Awards & Honors

  • 2025.1: W. Bruce Croft Graduate Scholarship
    Given to students whose computer science research area is information retrieval or natural language processing.

  • 2024.7: The Best Short Paper Award @ SIGIR 2024
    The award given to the best short paper.

  • 2023.7: The Best Student Paper Award @ SIGIR 2023
    The award given to the best paper mainly written by a student.

  • 2023.5: W. Bruce Croft Graduate Scholarship
    Given to students whose computer science research area is information retrieval or natural language processing.

  • 2022.9: UMass Amherst CICS Scholarship
    Given to selected entering graduate students.

  • 2021.9: The Best Thesis Award in Computer Engineering
    B.Sc. thesis was selected as the best thesis in the spring 2021 semester.

  • 2020.9: University of Tehran Scholarship
    Received scholarship from the University of Tehran Sponsors Foundation as an exceptional talent.

  • 2019.9: University of Tehran F.O.E (Faculty of Engineering) Award 2018
    Ranked $1^{st}$ among all of 103 Computer Engineering students in 2018-2019.

  • 2019.9: University of Tehran Scholarship
    Received scholarship from the University of Tehran Sponsors Foundation as an exceptional talent.

  • 2018.9: University of Tehran F.O.E (Faculty of Engineering) Award 2017
    Ranked $1^{st}$ among all of 103 Computer Engineering students in 2017-2018.

  • 2018.9: University of Tehran Scholarship
    Received scholarship from the University of Tehran Sponsors Foundation as an exceptional talent.

  • 2017.9: University of Tehran Scholarship
    Received scholarship from the University of Tehran Sponsors Foundation as an exceptional talent.

  • 2017.8: University Entrance Examination
    Ranked as top students in at national entrance examination to universities in 2017, Ranked $217^{th}$ (national) and $59^{th}$(regional) among more than 148k candidates.