Research Projects

My research projects are introduced in the Publication & Research section.

Selected Course Projects

  • AirHokey
    AirHockey is an online multiplayer distributed android game written using java and android SDK. This application uses Bluetooth to connect two devices and simulates a real air hockey game. Since Bluetooth has less power consumption than WIFI connections, a user can play this game for hours without massive waste of energy. This game was developed for Cyber Physical Systems course.

    LOGHMEH is an online food delivery website written using Java and Spring for backend and javascript and React-Web for frontend. Also, Docker and Kubernetes helped to increase the portability of this application. This application was developed for the Internet Engineering course.
    [Front-end] / [Back-end]

  • Acton
    Acton is an actor-based programming language written with Java and produces Java classes using Jasmin that are runnable with JRE. This language is a powerful tool to simulate parallel systems. This compiler was developed for the Programming Language and Compiler Design course.

  • FPU
    FPU is a floating-point processing unit with division and multiplication commands for single and double floating-point numbers. This module that was written with Verilog and synthesized with Vivado could be used as co-processors. This application was developed for the Computer Aided Design course.